The Table below contains the OMG-assigned RTPS vendor IDs that identify each independent implementation of the DDSI-RTPS Wire Protocol Specification. If you have developed an implementation and would like to get an RTPS vendor ID please contact the OMG.

RTPS Vendor ID DDS / RTPS Product Name Company
{0x01, 0x01} RTI Connext DDS Real-Time Innovations, Inc. (RTI)
{0x01, 0x02} OpenSplice DDS ADLink Ltd.
{0x01, 0x03} OpenDDS Object Computing Inc. (OCI)
{0x01, 0x04} Mil-DDS MilSoft
{0x01, 0x05} InterCOM DDS Kongsberg
{0x01, 0x06} CoreDX DDS Twin Oaks Computing
{0x01, 0x07} Not Active Lakota Technical Solutions, Inc.
{0x01, 0x08} Not Active ICOUP Consulting
{0x01, 0x09} Diamond DDS Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI)
{0x01, 0x0A} RTI Connext DDS Micro Real-Time Innovations, Inc. (RTI)
{0x01, 0x0B} Vortex Cafe ADLink Ltd.
{0x01, 0x0C} Not Active PrismTech Ltd.
{0x01, 0x0D} Vortex Lite ADLink Ltd.
{0x01, 0x0E} Qeo (Not active) Technicolor
{0x01, 0x0F} FastRTPS, FastDDS eProsima
{0x01, 0x10} Eclipse Cyclone DDS Eclipse Foundation
{0x01, 0x11} GurumDDS Gurum Networks, Inc.
{0x01, 0x12} RustDDS Atostek
{0x01, 0x13} Zhenrong Data Distribution Service (ZRDDS) Nanjing Zhenrong Software Technology Co.
{0x01, 0x14} Dust DDS S2E Software Systems B.V.
{0x01, 0x15} Safe DDS eProsima
{0x01, 0x16} Federated Designs DDS Tools Federated Designs