Standards that Require the Use of DDS or Have Implemented DDS
- AUTOSAR Adaptive. DDS supported as a network binding in the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform beginning with the 18.03 release.
- Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI). CIGI Next will be built on DDS as the interface.
- Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA). The UK MoD GVA (DEF STAN 23-09) requires DDS.
- Land Open Systems Architecture (LOSA). The UK MoD GVA is part of LOSA and therefore requires the use of DDS.
- NATO Generic Vehicle Architecture (NGVA). The NATO version of the GVA (NGVA) standard (STANAG 4754) requires DDS.
- The Object Management Group (OMG) ALert MAnagement Service (ALAMS). DDS is supported as a platform specific model.
- The Object Management Group (OMG) Application Management and Systems Monitoring (AMSM). DDS is supported as a platform specific model.
- The Open Group Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE). DDS is part of all FACE certified conformant Services Segment (TSS), including ADLINK and Real-Time Innovations link
- The Open Group Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA). SOSA has adopted the FACE TSS for its transport layer.
- Open Robotics Robotic Operation System V2 (ROS2). ROS2 is built on top of DDS as a connectivity framework.
- Tactical Microgrid Standards Consortium (TMSC). TMSC requires DDS for communication.
- Unmanned Systems (UxS) Control Segment (UCS) Architecture. The UCS Architecture supports DDS. Most UCS implementations use DDS.